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You’ll buy them weeks ahead of time, find the perfect gift for everyone you love, and you’ll even wrap them up as perfect as a professional! But something always seems to get in the way—if you don’t want that to happen again this year, consider these 4 shockingly easy tips to ramp up your holiday gift game this holiday season.
It can be hard finding the perfect gift for the person you love, especially since a lot of romantic gifts tend to be on the cheesier side. If you don’t want your loved one to give you that all-too-telling grimace smile due to a gift that’s heavy on the cheese, opt for something that’s understated and romantic without being “too much.” For instance, the wooden You Complete Me puzzle is a fun, heart-shaped puzzle that looks elegant when put together instead of looking silly or cheesy. You can also opt for elegant photo frames like the Clipic (don’t forget to put a photo inside before wrapping) or a pre-made photo book filled with memories.
How you wrap a gift is almost as important as what’s inside. A nicely done wrap is a way to show someone that you took the time and effort to make their present look nice. You can make a gift look nicer by adding unique writable stickers, such as Greeting Stickers; or even use a cool wrapping gift set, such as the Robot Gift Wrap that will make your present look like a miniature robot. And don't forget about the card! A nicely done card--either sent on its own or attached to a gift--is a must for the holiday season. A Greetings Card Kit will help you put together personalized cards that people will cherish.
If you’ll be gifting something that can’t be neatly wrapped in wrapping paper (such as a candle, bottle of wine, or anything else that looks messy when wrapped) then you can still class it up with a nice ribbon. Ribbons like Gifted - Elastic gift wrap are simple, elegant and perfect for tying together a gift that you don’t plan on wrapping up. Remember, it’s better to have a simple nicely tied ribbon than crinkled, messy wrapping paper on a gift you give to someone.
If you’re looking for stocking stuffers or other small gifts, why not look for winter-themed presents that people will love to display around the house? Items like winter-themed snow globes, a nice Christmas ornament or cute Winter Wonder Magnets are perfect for people who want to decorate for winter.
This holiday season, don’t sweat the small stuff: follow these above tips and your gift-giving game will be truly on top.
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