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Travel seems to be on everyone’s dreams list, especially the desire to see the world. Kids put together a dream scrapbook containing clips and photos of all the places they want to see in the world. There are backpackers who keep their plane boarding passes as a memento, while others get country patches that they can stitch on to their backpacks as a reminder.
Here’s another travel inspiration that can also double up as a brilliant house accent – scratch maps! Put one up on your wall and color the places with every travel. The scratch map deluxe edition takes the normal scratch map to a new level with larger illustrations, more intricate details and added islands. The black and copper color combo gives it a sophisticated look. If you’re looking for something bigger to fill up a large space, the scratch map XL might be just what you need.
Learn to say hello in another country’s language with the scratch map hello. Peel off the foil in every country you’ve visited – or visiting – and learn all the different ways you can greet people in their native tongue. The scratch map clear is another version you’d love especially if you’re tracking the countries you have yet to see. It’s printed on transparent acetate so that countries you’ve visited are rendered clear and uncolored, leaving those unexplored destinations still in full color.
The scratch map travel edition is the perfect travel inspiration while you’re on the go! Take it with you in your travels and get a kick out of scratching off places on the map as you hop from one place to another. Or, you can get your own scratch globe and hold the world literally in your hands.
Scratch maps are one of the most fun ways to track your travels, while at the same time keep that travel fire burning.
Get one now and have fun scratching the world (no pun intended), one country at a time!
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